Isle of the Crescent Moon“Isle” is set in the year 1910 somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean.  It recounts the adventures of Max Turner and Lizbeth Edwards when there’s a bit of a mishap, you might say, on their way back to the states after a trip abroad.  That’s all I’ll say for now, but as soon as I write the back-of-the-book description I’ll post it.

I’m hard at work on “Isle of the Crescent Moon.”  Or, well… I can just hear Anika, she’d say “That’s not the truth.  You’ve spent all day working on the website and now you’re writing a blog post.”

True, however, I have spent a moment or two writing while waiting for photos to load.  I’ve got half a page to show for it which is a far cry from the chapter a day I shoot for… but now, I’m going to back away from the blog, and focus all of my attention on finishing “Isle.”

And that’s the truth!