If it seems sudden, it is! In a way. After losing Indy, what we knew for certain was that we needed time to grieve. Now and then we talked about getting another dog, and went back and forth over whether we should or not. When Arctic was over-the-top anxious, we knew it would be a mistake. He needed our focus, and another dog didn’t need his anxiety rubbing off on him or her. None of us did! But, Arctic is doing sooo much better now. After taking the past two years to grieve, we all are. But still, making a definite decision over whether to add another wasn’t easy. Sometimes I really, really wanted to, and sometimes I was sure it would be a great way to over-extend. I was certain if we ever did get another dog, I wanted another German Shepherd. Brad wanted another Golden, but I remember all too well how difficult it was to keep Indy’s fur groomed and mat free. And, although I dearly loved Indy and still do, there’s just something about Arctic that really clicks with me. Brad appreciates the protection dogs provide, and German Shepards are bred for that, so he came around.

I started searching for puppies online. While most of our pets have been rescues, I can’t bear to love another dog only to lose it a month later to distemper. I’ve gone through that twice, and I’m not willing to risk it again. I won’t support and encourage irresponsible breeding either, so finding a good breeder was a must, but… since I was certain Brad wasn’t ready to add on and I wasn’t ready to commit either, mostly I just looked at puppies.

I also showed Brad the photos, and much to my surprise, he seemed to accept we were getting one. That nearly sent me into Red Alert mode, because I was counting on him to manage the brake! And he wasn’t, so I had to. It put a real damper on my hunt, because if I found the right dog I’d feel compelled to follow through.

I found quite a few puppies. Most of the breeders were of the backyard variety, and their intent wasn’t on improving the breed. Others bred show line German Shepherds, with the sloping backs. I don’t care for that, at all, and I recall a breeder once saying that the German Shepherds bred for show are more neurotic and nervy because they’re breeding to achieve a specific look, not for temperament. There were a few contenders, but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to respond. It took a while to understand why, but finally I realized that stocking up on a good thing isn’t necessarily a good thing. I have Arctic, and I’m completely satisfied with him. Two of him might be a little too much of a good thing, though. He’d benefit more from a breed that complements and balances him.

And suddenly I discovered my mind was changed, and so were the keywords of my online searching. The results were much more satisfying, too. There are several satisfactory breeders in the area. I looked at Labs and Goldens, and then I came across this…

It was Fidget. I’d recognize her anywhere! I’ve never been so anxious for morning to come, so I could call and find out if she was still available. I’m so thankful to say she was, and everything I learned about the breeder solidified my certainty that she was meant to be ours. Em and I went to meet her yesterday afternoon, signed the papers, and this Sunday when she turns eight weeks old, she’ll be ready to come home 💕

Em and I are so excited, it feels like Sunday can’t get here fast enough! It does give me time to puppy-proof, get Arctic’s old carrier out of storage, order food, a collar, harness, bed, etc. Brad says he’s excited too, but true to form, he’s worried about Arctic’s self-esteem 🙄. That’s one thing no one needs to worry about! Arctic is supremely confident in how awesome he is. He doesn’t need me to tell him, although I do, and will continue to. I can love Fidget without taking anything from him, and I doubt it would ever occur to Arctic to think otherwise. He’s wonderful, and he knows it.

When we got home from meeting Fidget, Arctic’s nose went into overdrive. He sniffed until it would not have surprised me to find my clothes were threadbare afterwards. He was trembling he was so excited, and his tail was wagging in anticipation. After he was done inhaling every last scrap of scent, the look in his eyes was curious and puzzled. So where was she? He wanted the real thing!

Unfortunately, our new addition has dashed any chance of finishing “Gone in a Flash” this year. She’s also practically guaranteed that The House of Bannerman, book 7, will be next. As for Jack and Charlotte’s 3rd, it’s coming along nicely. Puppies do nap sometimes, so… it will happen. In 2023!