After spending several days reading over “601 Suspense Street” to check for typos, I’m back to “Hiding Treasure.” At 186 pages it’s coming along strong which is good for many reasons, but particularly since the next book is clamoring for attention. This untitled book which I’m going to refer to as “Museum” is the one in which the characters came up with their own names. Of course I’ve also got HOB 5, “Depart the Darkness” waiting for me to get back to it. So I’ve got lots and lots of writing ahead of me, and that reminds me I need to order more espresso pods for my latte machine. Brad discovered how good they are, and I find myself giving him narrow-eyed looks when he drinks one, then wants another. I’m stingy with my lattes, especially when facing the bottom of the last box of pods!
So to prevent marital discord, I’m off to order more, and then it’s back to “Hiding Treasure” for me.
Happy reading!