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There’s so much to look forward to in the coming year!  I’m not going to list it all.  Just the books.

February 19, 2016, there’s “Last Chance Inn,” the first in a new series starring Jack Ryland, a PI who made his debut in a chapter of “Hiding Treasure.”

“Cottonwood Hotel,” the second book in The Investigations of Jack Ryland series, is currently under construction and 25 pages in the making.

“Depart the Darkness,” HOB book 5 is also in the works, at a respectaTerms of Engagement Kindle Coverble 43 pages.

The book currently receiving most of my attention is “Terms of Engagement.”  At 70 pages it is flying along.  There’s mystery and suspense to it, but it’s also all about relationships.  Old ones, new ones, family (the good and the bad), friends, and significant others.Lochlan Museum Kindle Cover

After one or more of my current works is complete, I’ll take the pages and pages of notes I’ve written, and begin on “Lochlan Museum.”

“423 Apprehensive Avenue” is in the beginningest of beginning stages.  Expect it in 2016, but not early on.

HOB book 6 will likely debut in 2016 also.  And possibly a third Jack Ryland book.

So happy reading to you, and now I’m going to get a jump on 2016 and get back to writing!