We have internet! I feel connected to the rest of the world again. It’s been a loooong week trying to do everything on my iPhone. I appreciated having that, let me tell you, but I wasn’t crazy about all the “you’ve used 90% of your data” text warnings. The truth is, I used 2%. The rest was all Brad and Emily. Anyway, I was thankful for the option of increasing our plan before going over. I was not so fond of the need to increase that plan on a daily basis. Emily said she lived in fear of getting one of those texts. Not enough to curb the use of her phone, apparently. The girl used more than half of a 20GB plan. But we have internet again, and I was not driven insane by the words “I’m bored.” It was worth it.
Not only do we have internet, we’re also completely moved in! Aside from a few pictures that have yet to be hung. That didn’t take a miracle, but it did take the panic of wondering where the satellite TV boxes were. The boxes we need to send back, because we decided to switch to cable. That motivated Brad to help unpack. It was rather convenient that after searching through every box, I found the satellite boxes in the box labeled “satellite TV boxes” which was in the coat closet where I put it. I truly did not remember doing that until after the house was entirely unpacked, and Anika would back me on that if she wasn’t busy preventing a murder. The next time we move, though… all I’m going to say is that now I know the fastest way to get Brad’s help.
I’ve been able to write some, although not a lot. “Terms of Engagement” is soooo close to being finished though. Or ready for the editing stage, that is. It’s so close, and I’m so ready to see it complete and then move on to “Depart the Darkness,” HOB 5. Not only do I have “Cottonwood Hotel,” Jack Ryland’s second book started, I’ve got the plot for book 3 in that series. Then ther
e’s “Lochlan Museum” waiting to be written, and “423 Apprehensive Avenue,” which is Mystery Lane’s 3rd book. If only there was more time in a day! If only Walmart delivered groceries here! But it’s going to get done. I’ve got the most gorgeous place to write. My desk is in the corner of the living room between two windows, and the yard here–is amazing. I have the best view! Not of the curtains, they’re only closed for the sake of picture taking, otherwise the rest of the photo would be too dark. It’s beautiful though.

Happy reading, and I’m going to go live up to my promise and take Em clothes shopping. It’s spring break here, lucky her, so she’s free for now. She’ll start school Monday, and what girl wouldn’t like something new to wear for the occasion? So I’m off to shop, because the sooner we do, the sooner we’ll get back, and I can get back to writing!
….I should clarify….shopping with my girls is akin to torture!
I hear you! It’s a little easier having one. I think!
Happy shopping?