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The Ninja coffee brew system really is worth trying, after all. Brad didn’t care for the Keurig, so the Ninja was on his birthday wish list. That was back during the summer, which is also when he got said Ninja. It’s just taken me this long to try making a latte with it. Although I […]



I kept telling Brad I heard what sounded like bees or wasps buzzing in the two downstairs bathrooms. He suggested it might be the florescent light bulbs. But it wasn’t florescent light bulbs that climbed out of the air vent and into our bathroom Thanksgiving week, while I was in the process of drying my […]

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

To “Miles,” and by that I mean the book, not the character. It was two years ago today, that “Miles” made its debut. Since then, four more books have been added to The House of Bannerman series. Three additional series and four stand-alone books have also joined “Miles” on my shelf. Fourteen books in two […]