So the verdict is in, we are moving. To another state. Again.

This is a good thing though, I’m glad. I wouldn’t let Brad in the house yesterday until after he accepted the offer, actually. And it was really cold, there’s tons of snow. The weather was on my side.

So we’ll be living elsewhere in a month, and there’s a lot to do between now and then. I’m not doing any of it obviously, I’m sitting here writing instead. But in my defense, I got a lot done this morning, then shoveled the sidewalks so Em doesn’t have to wade knee-deep through snow to get back to the front door when she gets home, and my blood sugar is now low. I don’t mind writing a post that may sound confusing later to anyone with normal blood sugar. But I don’t feel comfortable arranging details for a move. Who knows where we might end up.

Happy reading, and… I don’t know how much writing I’ll get done between now and being settled in a new home. I’d love to get “Terms” finished, it’s so close. I’ll certainly try!