Who would’ve guessed an auto update to the website theme would cause a fatal flaw and shut the website down, and the administrator out. Thankfully, Mom decided to visit the site within hours of its death—or murder, might be more appropriate, and so I wasn’t unaware of its demise for long. While I didn’t intend to spend the rest of the day, the night, and the next day resolving the issue and rebuilding the site, it wasn’t down nearly as long as it might have been. The web hosting company was very helpful in restoring access, even though the problem did not lie with them, and the theme people (I don’t know what else to call them) instructed me on how to locate and install the entirely revamped theme and replace the one so outdated, it could no longer survive an update. While I couldn’t entirely return the site to its original state, it’s close enough not to stand out in an annoying way every time I look at it. And so, now I can get back to all the other projects occupying my time of late.

There’s Jack’s book, of course, although that’s taken a backseat as I format, design covers, and submit to Barnes&Noble to create Nook, paperback, and hardback versions of all of my books. That’s twenty-one altogether, and no small feat to accomplish considering the artwork in “One-Hundred Feet of Snow,” the children’s book I wrote many years ago, required extensive restoration.  I’m so thankful to have that done, but the amazing art app I used spurred me to update many of my other covers also. The featured image of this post is the stained glass window of Elizabeth’sthe Lodge’s restaurant. It’s one of the new elements in “The Lodge at Whispering Pines” totally revamped cover. Updating those has occupied the majority of my time of late, although I’ve also been mulling over the next books in the Mystery Lane and House of Bannerman series. Those plots are shaping up nicely, I’m glad to say. Working on cover art has also freed me to listen to videos and podcasts on apologetics, which is a particular interest of mine. Answers TV, Answers in Genesis’ streaming service, is a favorite. I can’t recommend them highly enough.

It’s hard to believe it’s August already, and Arctic’s next visit with the animal behaviorist is in a couple of weeks. I never posted about his first visit, but will try to do that soon. It was interesting, and affirming, and an additional prescription was prescribed. Arctic is doing really well, and has very little anxiety now. If a single can of diet Dr. Pepper is left sitting on top of a case, it no longer results in panic. He’s handling novelty (change) well here in the house, and other than heading for the door at the sound of certain vehicles, he does fine in the yard. He  hasn’t warmed to the concept of other people, though. We were fully supported in the decision to cease walks for the time being, as it was only reinforcing his fears. Now that he’s doing so well, it’s possible the behaviorist will instruct us in how to ease back into that. Although as unbearably hot and humid as it is lately, we wouldn’t be walking right now, anyway. Arctic doesn’t have the superior insulation that Fox did, or even Indy. He gets overheated very quickly. He’s fortunate his white fur reflects the heat of the sun’s rays, rather than absorbing it as it would if he was the usual black and tan. He may have a double coat, he’s supposed to anyway, but if he does it’s minimal and hard to detect even with a thorough brushing. I’m suspicious he was short-changed in that department. But, he doesn’t mind the rain. Despite his double coat, Fox would have been miserable living here!

It’s time for me to rejoin Jack and Charlotte in “Gone in a Flash”, so happy reading, while I get back to writing!