Considering how many days it sometimes took to complete a single paragraph in “Ashes of Roses”, much less an entire page, it’s a very good feeling to have “Gone in a Flash” moving along so swiftly.
Jack and Charlotte have their first assignment as investigators for the Foundation. As anyone who’s read “Uncertainly Yours” may recall, Jack and Charlotte are partners in the future. Well, the future has arrived. Anika got a lot more out of “this is my wife, Charlotte”and “it’s a family name” than they ever imagined possible. I wonder when it will dawn on them. At any rate, Anika realized what Charlotte’s situation is, and that she and Jack are better together, than apart. So, Anika hired her on the spot. Of course Miles went right along with it, because he trusts her judgment. Knowing her close association with the truth probably has something to do with it too. Considering how often I’m right myself, you’d think Brad would automatically trust what I say. But, he’s not Miles. He’s a lot more like Jack, not completely, but enough to make certain aspects of Jack’s character easy to write. Anyway, as I was saying, Jack and Charlotte have been assigned their first case, and will soon get to work solving it. But before that, there’s Sunday dinner at the Rylands to get to. Now that, is going to be entertaining! I have a fairly good picture of some of these people, but others are no more familiar to me, than they are to Charlotte. This is one example of why I’d rather write, than watch TV or a movie. It’s far more entertaining!