It’s been about three months. Three very long months, in many ways. I won’t get into that now, because I’m currently two chapters away from completing Uncertainly Yours. It’s a long time in coming, but at last, it’s almost there. At the moment the page count is 579. It’ll hit 600, without a doubt. I believe […]
an update on the addition
I’m copying this over from my writer page on Facebook, so if it looks familiar, that’s why. ~A meeting was held in my writing room today, to discuss the rapidly growing interloper and what to do about him. Pandy officiated, extolling the virtues of the good old days of peace, quiet, and pee-free floors. Indy […]
New Addition
…not to be confused with a new edition. I’m talking about an addition to the family, a furry addition. As I wrote in a previous post, Emily has been wanting a puppy. She’s been wanting one for years, actually. We finally gave tacit consent, pending the landlord’s approval, and her saving the money for said […]
423 is now available!
Today is Mystery Lane book 3’s release date. It’s now available on both kindle, and in paperback. It’s a little mind-boggling to realize this is my first book of 2018. How did that happen! I’m so far behind, but life has been anything but uneventful this year. Emily had her tilt-table test last Friday, and […]
Final Cover
I didn’t count how many times I’ve said that, but this, is the final cover for Mystery Lane book 3. I can now honestly say with 100% certainty that the book is done! The kindle version will be released September 4th, and the paperback before then. I’m not sure of the date, but will post […]
Uncertainly Yours
Now in the works is Uncertainly Yours, which is a Bannerman Foundation mystery. This book takes place in the fall of 2017, so it postdates the next two or three House of Bannerman books, and Jack Ryland’s third and perhaps fourth. It’s currently on page 282, because I had a lot of it written before […]
423 Apprehensive Avenue–Complete!
There were times I thought this day would never come, but 423 Apprehensive Avenue, book 3 in the Mystery Lane series, is complete at 342 pages! I’m letting out a huge sigh of relief as I savor this moment, then I’ll start proofing. That means reading and rereading it, which I’m totally fine with! Considering […]
Mystery Lane book 3, page 302
It’s so close to being finished! There will be one more chapter after the current one, maybe two. I expect it to be finished in another 30ish pages. I can hardly wait! So I’m going to get back to it, and get it done!
The pages are flying onto the screen after months of drought, and 423 Apprehensive Avenue is drawing to a close! At this rate, the keys of my Mac may soon be as worn as those of my two former laptops. They’re starting to look decidedly shiny. Rather than go on about what a relief it […]
Page 260!
Life has not slowed down one iota. There are as many doctor appointments as ever, and it seems each day brings a new complication or crisis with it. But… 423 Apprehensive Avenue is on page 260. This is a huge leap, thanks in part to taking my laptop with me everywhere I go. I stopped […]