“Last Chance Inn,” first in The Jack Ryland Investigations series, is complete.  In fact, I just ordered the paperback proof and it’s set to arrive on Christmas Eve.  I’ve got several pages written on “Cottonwood Inn,” book 2 in the Jack Ryland series.  Jack is positively addicting, and it’s been a struggle to set his adventures aside.  Considering that the plot for his next book is the least gelled of all of my pending novels though, really, it had to happen.  But it still hurt.  Like jumping into an ice cold pool while ripping off a Band-aid.  Jack’s adventures have been properly set aside for now though, and… I’m surviving.

Toward the end of writing every book I’m hit with an explosion of ideas, and that has happened yet again.  I’ve got several pages of notes written for a novel tentatively titled “Disengaged,” pages and pages of notes for “Museum,” and finally–I’m back to writing “Depart the Darkness,” HOB book 5.  Miles and Anika are now four chapters and 41 pages into their latest adventure.  I anticipate a March or April release date on this one.

I’m going to get back to writing now.  Happy reading to you, and have a very merry Christmas!